Thumbnail Quilt

Thumbnail Quilt


2/15/2022 | Mark Hanson, Curator

Have you seen our new virtual quilt exhibit at

Quilts are pieces of utilitarian textile art. They transcend gender roles and the passage of time to become family heirlooms and beacons of creativity and skill.

This thumbnail quilt is new to our collections. Made by Anna (Morfey) Wilt in the 1920s or 1930s, it measures approximately 78 inches square. Thousands of half-inch squares cut from brightly colored feed sacks make up the face and decorative edge of the quilt. The precise hand stitching must have taken a long of time to complete!

The Wilt thumbnail quilt, despite being a work of art and monument to Anna's skill, shows evidence of use. Can you imagine a quilt like this on your bed?
