Published Date: May 16, 2021
The things we make, use, and collect tell stories about our lives. They document our character, culture, and experience through time. These things help us work and stay safe. They provide comfort, joy, and beauty. Our things also document our sadness and troubles. We often take our things for granted, but some resonate with us. We all have our favorites, things that speak to us and for us.
The Museum of the Grand Prairie’s newest exhibit, “Personal Resonance: Favorite Artifacts from the Collections,” helps tell the stories of beloved museum artifacts hand-picked by staff members. An important job of a museum is collecting and preserving artifacts. These artifacts were people’s things and tell their stories. Sharing and interpreting them helps visitors remember their own stories and learn about the stories of others. Artifacts also connect people, both through time and experience. This exhibit features four cases filled with artifacts and their stories that the staff wants to share with you.