9/24/2022 | Katie Snyder, Education Program Specialist
Thank you to EVERYONE throughout Champaign County who contributed to the Healing Hearts Community Collage! We can’t wait to celebrate this collaborative creation with you! 
We hope you will join us and artist Cindy Blair Sampson for the opening on Sept. 30th from
5:30-7:00 at Museum of the Grand Prairie in the Champaign County Forest Preserve District. Light refreshments will be served.
A link to the event is in the comments. Please click interested or going to help us get the word out!
#communitylove #collaboration #thismuseumisyours #localhistory #art #healingheart #allarewelcome #museumofthegrandprairie #ccfpd #champaigncounty #champaigncountyforestpreserve
#pandemic #opening