6/3/2023 | Champaign County Forest Preserve District
Happy National Prairie Day!
The tallgrass prairie is considered to be one of the rarest and most endangered ecosystems in the world. Did you know that about 60% of Illinois was once prairie? This explains its nickname, "the prairie state". However, today, only .01% of original prairie is left in the state 
CCFPD is dedicated to restoring areas of the preserves back to what they once were! We have restored over 700 acres of prairie and are growing those numbers every year.
Prairies are incredibly biodiverse and resilient. This Midwestern ecosystem can withstand hot drought conditions in the summer and frigid cold, windy weather in the winter. Walking through a prairie any time of year is really a site to see, but summer is the best time to see them in full bloom! Head to the preserves today to witness the grandeur of the vibrant Illinois tallgrass prairie!